Part#: SP322118. Model #: EF118 HWS.
Whole House System. For Town Water.
Greater Flow Rate, Capacity and Pressure.
A great-tasting alternative to bottled water!
Includes a proprietary blend of at least three different types of carbon!
Effectively Reduces: Chlorine, Taste and Odor,
Chemicals, THMs, PFAS, PFAS6, PFOA/S, Cysts/Parasites, Dirt, Rust,
Coarse/Fine Sediment, Fibers, Mold, Algae,
Particles 0.3 microns in size and larger.
Scale Stabilizer™ reduces Hardness Scale buildup and White/Gray stains.
Reduces Leaching of metals and Corrosion of pipes, and Blue-Green stains.
Reduces Orange/Brown Iron stains.
Leaves in Minerals and Fluoride.
Hardness minerals are maintained in the water, however, their ability
to form scale is reduced.
Features a combination of technologies to offer fine filtration, high flow
rate and long life.
Dimensions: 29" H x 40" W x 9" D
Some whole house systems make the water better for your pipes and plumbing fixtures.
Other systems make the water better for your laundry.
Other systems make the water better to bathe in.
However, with all of the above systems you would still need to either buy bottled water or install a high quality filtration system at your sink for your drinking, cooking, coffee, etc.
The EF118 HWS provides Premium Quality Water throughout your entire home for Drinking, Cooking, Coffee, Juices, Rinsing Vegetables and Fruits, Ice Cubes, Showering, Bathing, Laundry, Hot Water Heaters, Pipes, Plumbing Fixtures, etc. Makes the water better for your skin and hair.
Because it does so much, savings can average about $1,705 per year for a family of four, about double what other systems can save.
Made with NSF certified components, including a proprietary blend of at least three different types of carbon, the EF118 HWS
Effectively Reduces...
...Chlorine/Chloramine that can give the water an off taste, be breathed in, absorbed through your skin, dry your skin and damage/discolor your hair.
...Lead, from corrosive water leaching metals from your pipes, that can cause delays in the physical and mental development of children and kidney problems in adults over the long term.
...THMs that can cause health issues, including cancer, over the long term.
...PFAS, PFAS6, and PFOA/S, Pharmaceuticals, VOCs, Pesticides, etc., that can cause a variety of health issues.
...Cysts/Parasites that can upset your stomach and are resistant to Chlorine.
...Dirt, Rust and Sediment that are abrasive to faucet washers and internal parts of plumbing fixtures, wearing them out. They cause plugging of faucet and laundry-hose screens, toilet valves and shutoff valves. Rust particles from Cast Iron distribution piping can also cause a metallic taste to the water and ruin laundry.
...Particles 0.3 microns in size and larger. (The edge of a dollar bill is 100 microns thick.)
...Fibers from degrading distribution piping that can cause intestinal issues.
...Molds/Algae that give your water an off Taste and Odor.
...Blue-Green stains caused by the water corroding your pipes and leaching metals, including Copper, causing stains on sinks, tubs, showers, etc., discoloration of hair and a metallic taste to the water.
...Orange/Brown stains, caused by Iron, on sinks, tubs, showers, etc. Also reduces metallic taste and odor, dry skin, brittle or discolored hair and ruined laundry.
Scale Stabilizer™ reduces the White/Gray stains on plumbing fixtures, ice makers, dishwashers, glasses, sinks, tubs, showers, etc., and buildup inside hot water heaters. Relieves Dry skin, Dull hair, frayed, dingy clothes and towels, etc., and reduces energy costs.
Helps any water-using appliance that heats or chills water work more efficiently.
Helps your water-using appliances and fixtures last longer.
Helps your clothes stay brighter longer and reduces the amount of laundry, cleaning and skin care products used, saving you time and money.
If you can reduce the number of contaminants and irritants that are attacking your hair, skin, lungs and body, you and your family are probably going to feel better.
High-Flow, Low Pressure-drop System. Annual cartridge change.
Minimum Pressure: 40 PSI. Maximum Pressure: 70 PSI.
Minimum Temperature 40º F. Maximum Temperature: 100º F.
Minimum Backwash Rate: System does not backwash. No Drain needed.
Inlet/Outlet: 1".
Dimensions: 29"H x 40"W x 9"D. Warranty: 1 year.
Installs in your basement. Bypass outside spigots and sprinkler system.
Rated Capacity: 60,000 gallons. Service Flow Rate: 12 gpm. Peak Flow Rate: 20 gpm.
Savings can average $1,705 per year for a family of four!
SP322118 EF118 HWS System: $1,699.99 (Includes initial set of cartridges.)
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